In a relationship, there's always this question. The issue is always the same, the answer is never confirmed...maybe because the man always win? or the woman insists on winning? In different matters, whether single personalities or married ones, no matter their status in the society: rich or poor; celebrity or not...the issue always stays...WHO IS REALLY THE BOSS? THE MAN OR THE WOMAN? THE BOY OR THE GIRL? THE GENT OR THE LADY? No matter the gender, THE GAY OR THE LESBIAN? The GAY or the MAN? The LESBIAN or the WOMAN? Everybody wants to STAND OUT! Everybody wants to be THE ONE!
In the movies like this one, people who had this idea maybe experienced some "WHO'S WHO?" thinking, mind boggling, mind swirling notion of who must really be looked up to or who must decide matters inside the house or even outside. When the movie maker decided to include people to think the same thing he's confused of, he chose to make the idea into action, maybe also wanting to have people's point of view of the issue since this idea of "WHO'S WHO?" is a long forgotten or chosen to be forgotten issue ( but I 'm choosing to restore it just for some good thinking...hehehe...it will help you forget you are experiencing chicken pox or diarrhea! At least, for a while until the bathroom tissue lasts!) It is always a big issue for married couples of who must decide, the wife or the husband? If the husband will decide, is the decision okay for the wife? Or just agreeing so as not to hurt husband's feeling? and vice versa...Things are the same to all relationships not just in marriage. Who must be the boss?
Let us try to think and decide "WHO'S WHO?"
Let us first define the word "BOSS". According to the encyclopedia, the BOSS is the one who makes and decides and exercises authority. Well, not much of a hurting definition but try this: the BOSS is the one who orders in an arrogant domineering manner, the topnotch, first-rate character (OUCH!)...I will let you think your own definition of a BOSS, seems like your own definition will help you settle your mind of what really the boss is like...so, now, we are confused!
Let's Dig Deeper!
Most relationships do not lasts because somebody does not want to give up a fight even for the sake of saving the relationship. Some broke up just because the others won't humble themselves and the other one chose not to be affected. Here comes the bridging connection: PRIDE. Yep! Pride is the topmost factor in broken relationships. One always says he is right and the other always stands up for what she believes to be right. Then here comes EGO. The ego of the other is hurt while the other's ego ignores the nagging reasons inside. The libido of both is then affected and became bland like a soup with no seasoning at all! Then caused the decision of both parties to end up even if they still love each other. Well, most are not honest enough to accept these fact but sure thing is, both will have all the negative comments to each other which were not seen or tackled when they met each other at the bar...they will both see the turn-off scar on the left side of the face when in fact, they were oblivious of it when they saw each other at the party...all features that are not mentioned when they are still mesmerized by their tantalizing eyes when they bumped into each other on their way home will be automatically surface. It's all because each would like to stand on their own no matter right or wrong, each wanted to be the boss of the night!
Let's get back to the creation, when God made man, He did told the man his right over everything He just created. Right to name the animals, plants and even right to be superior over the living things. But when the woman was created, God did not told the man to be the boss over the woman but instead to take care of the woman for she came from the man. The same way with the woman not being told by God to overcome the man but only submit herself.
Now you ask, is being submissive the same as looking up to the boss? Being submissive is also being respective as you are respected. There's the give and take idea. Don't get too hot over an argument if you think you only want to insist never minding if you are right or wrong, or it's not yet the right time for your idea to surface. There's always a right timing to everything. Your idea might be approved to your partner when he is in the mood to agree with it. Or your argument is just a simple throw if she's not tired over the day's work.
Now, who's the boss? Actually, no one is. It is just your idea of being the boss that made it an argument. A relationship is called one because it is relating with each other, it's not being bossy with each other. There's respect always. It is all an idea like what this blog is!
To have real notion about this idea, the You Tube has more clips to view from since the Hindi movie Yes Boss already have some English subtitles to watch for and can be understood by most people. As I was browsing the internet to add to this topic, I came across the movie clips in the You Tube. It is really a hilarious kind of movie regarding the WHO's WHO but also full of hidden views. The issue of who is really the boss was made into something funny to watch for to lighten the undying argument. There are some twist, though, like the focus of the manager towards employers but what I want you to focus on is the relationship between the couple. On how the woman treats the man and the man's reactions to the woman so that the idea of who is the boss in the relationship will be a little bit clarified for you (if you are not yet settled with the idea...)
In searching like topics in the internet, I admire one site which also talks about relationship. Many topics were tackled that were also related to this issue. I admire the writer on how the blog was made. It showcased all relationship topics. You can also have the idea and might help you resolve this issue of WHO's WHO, just visit www.buzzle.com/articles/sign-of-a-controlling-relationship.html
In relation to this issue, your mind can share with me your own point of view of WHO's WHO....because until now, I still wonder....